Did you see that story over at sister site Nintendo Life this morning about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild being named one of the least stressful games? The study in question also revealed the most stress-ful games, with a few select shooters coming out on top, including Call of Duty and Fortnite.
The study was conducted with over 1000 gamers in the US, and a whopping 47.4% of them named Call of Duty: Modern Warfare as the most stressful. Black Ops 4 was just behind at 42.3%, while Fortnite received 41.7% of the vote. Nothing else came close, although the likes of arcade game Halo: Fireteam Raven, Resident Evil 2 and Madden NFL 20 were also in the top ten.
You can see the full stress-related study over at the Comfy Sacks website, which also questioned players on their most played games, how comfortable they felt when playing and more. This is how the study was conducted:
"To collect the data shown above, we conducted a survey of 1,007 respondents. To qualify for this survey, respondents were required to play video games occasionally, almost every day, or every day. Of the respondents, 293 reported playing occasionally, 356 reported playing almost every day, and 358 reported playing every day. The respondent pool was 58.4% female, 41.3% male, and less than 1% nonbinary. A preliminary survey of 150 respondents was conducted to gather the top 50 most played video games."
What would you say is the most stressful game on Xbox One? Let us know in the comments.
[source comfysacks.com, via nintendolife.com]
Comments 4
I mean they're not wrong. I find the COD Campaigns pretty chill, But the multiplayer has deff made me wanna pull my hair out sometimes.
I stay the hell away from COD multiplayer for this exact reason. I do like the campaigns though.
I am more of a Battlefield guy & that game did stress me out. Playing Madden against my buddies always causes me stress, but in a good way.
I must say....the new Doom games can be quite stressful. The first couple levels of Doom Eternal had me going “C’mon!!! What the ?!$@“ a bunch. The game just throws too many demons at you before you get upgrades & the platforming can go take a long walk off a short cliff!
And this is coming from a guy who’s all time favorite game is the original Doom.
I can agree especially in multiplayer. Alot of times I get into teams where it seems I am the only one doing the objectives i.e. capturing flags, picking up tags etc. and everyone else is running around like a chicken with its head cut off worrying about their K/DR and you lose the match. Then you have the campers and such so yeah can see why it's stressful.
I think I agree. I haven't played any COD games this generation and don't intend to, but last gen I did play modern warfare, it was so hyper my head would be done in.
The most relaxing game I ever played was Pilotwings on SNES
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