A lot of people like to argue about which Arkham game is the best Arkham game. On one side of the fence are the fans who adore Arkham Asylum, the Metroidvania-esque debut that put developer Rocksteady Studios on the map, while the other side consists of folks with a special love for Arkham City, the sequel that let Batman loose in an open-world environment for the first time. Asylum vs. City has primarily been the argument for some time now, but with Arkham Knight recently bursting onto the scene to critical acclaim, we may be hearing very different debates from here on out. Since everyone has an opinion, even us, we've decided to weigh in and rank the entire series from our perspective.
So, based on overall quality and fun factor, here's how we think the Arkham games stack up.
5. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate
Undoubtedly the weakest effort with the Arkham name attached to it, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate tried to compress the whole Arkham experience into a 2.5D Metroidvania for handheld consoles, and the result was hit and miss. We thought it turned out to be a worthwhile piece of weekend entertainment, but was ultimately forgettable. When we attempt to recall the most memorable moments, we can't stop thinking about how awful the map system was at communicating the layout of the environment. Because of all the time we spent turned around and perplexed about where to head next, Blackgate is the game that kicks off the countdown in the very last place.
4. Batman: Arkham Origins
Batman: Arkham Origins gets a lot of flak, but it's actually a solid enough game. It was the story that connected with us the most, and we also loved the presence of lesser-known villains from the Batman universe, especially when these confrontations resulted in formidable battles. The combat sometimes felt disjointed, and the open world wasn't laid out in the most sensible manner, but the campaign was well worth a playthrough. It's a long way from the top, but Origins is all right in our book.
3. Batman: Arkham City
Don't get us wrong, we thought Arkham City was one heck of a thrilling ride, but the open world left us wanting more. That's the major reason this entry in the series sits in the middle of our list and not any higher. We still consider it one of the best games to release last gen, though, so that says a ton about what it does so well. The interactions with Mr. Freeze, Mad Hatter, and Ra's al Ghul were just a few of the highlights that we won't soon forget, and we suspect we'll continue to regard them as some of our favourite Bat-moments for years to come. If only a game came along that expanded on the promising foundation that Arkham City established...
2. Batman: Arkham Knight
We've just completed 100% of what Arkham Knight has to offer, and we're already ready to jump into New Game+ mode. If that doesn't convey our enjoyment of Rocksteady's Arkham finale, we don't know what will. While we found that Arkham City was an impressive attempt at presenting the duties of Batman in an open-world format, we thought that it was missing something. Arkham Knight injects the Batmobile into that void, and the end result is an action-packed adventure that truly immerses you in the role of The Dark Knight better than any piece of entertainment before it.
1. Batman: Arkham Asylum
The game that started it all is still our favourite of the Arkham series. Arkham Asylum might not have an open world like its successors, but it's the most cohesive, focused of the lot. It's been on the market for six years now, and we still feel wowed by how its ambition, inventiveness, and quality took us by surprise when it launched. Rocksteady not only gave Batman the video game treatment he deserved, they also crafted one of the best action-adventure games we've ever played. We're crazy for Arkham Asylum, and it undoubtedly deserves the top spot on this list.
After you've voted for your favourite of the Arkham games in our poll just above, grapple into the comments below to tell us how you'd rank every entry in the series. Are you an Asylum nut, or are you on the City committee? Has Knight fallen over the top of your list, or is it one of the Origins games that has risen to the occasion? Leave a detailed and comprehensive report below.
Comments 11
I would rank them in the following order Arkham Knight, City and joint Origins and Asylum. I haven't played Blackgate so can't comment on it. For me Knight just makes me feel more Batman, especially the very first time you get in the Batmobile. Driving the Batmobile is a bit of a low point for the game but getting in it, especially from up high, is amazing. I'm still only about 25% completed so still many hours of enjoyment to go I have all the other games to replay at some point and to try and mop up the last couple of % in City to 100% it.
Funnily enough I would rank them in exactly the same way - although it would depend on whether I opt for 'Story' or best 'Batman' gamen. Obviously if I am going for Story as the priority then Arkham Asylum is going to win. However if you go for best Batman experience as the priority the Arkham Knight wins. Arkham Knight is certainly the best 'Batman' game - it has the best combat and full range of gadgets, mobility and of course the Batmobile too but the story is a little predictable and being open world it isn't quite as focussed and lacks the atmosphere too. The game is also a lot bigger - not just the size of the world but in every way and will keep you busy for a lot longer...
For me, it's.....Asylum rules.
I did love Arkham City, but I am not big on open world games (SO sick of them). Origins was, "Eh." It wasn't made by Rocksteady & was a glitchy mess. Blackgate was fun at times, but the map was so rancid that I was yelling at my TV. Oh and it has the worst boss fights I have played in many years (especially Catwoman).
I have not played Arkham Knight yet, so I would rank them:
Asylum, City (close 2nd), Origins (distant 3rd), Blackgate (steaming pile of......).
For me it's City, Asylum, Knight, and Origins. Blackgate doesnt even make the list.
I can say I never really played the Arkham games (They are a series that is most definitely on my backlog).
I played Asylum for a few hours on PC via Onlive which due to OnLive shutting down a few months ago I dont have anymore, thankfully I didn't pay for it. The reason I stopped playing it was cause at the time I just had other games that I got into and figured I would get back to it some day which now I cant.
I watched my son play through City and while I liked what I saw I thought the tone for a Batman game was better in Asylum.
I refuse to play the cash in that Origins was and I have yet to see Knight.
I am hoping that they release a PS4 remaster of Asylum and City so I can play them either that or maybe I will rent them from PS Now.
I'd have the exact same rankings. I'm not sure if there will ever be a Batman game again that captures my imagination like Asylum did.
Asylum's Story is certainly the best. The atmosphere and setting is certainly very dark and more so than City. I think part of the reason though its considered the best is because it was the first Batman game that really captured the dark and gothic elements and being more linear also helped drive the story along. After disappointing 'superhero' games, I think expectation wasn't that great but this delivered. All other games though suffer a bit because we have a much higher expectation.
Arkham Knight is definitely the best 'Batman' game in my opinion. Not just because you get the full Batman experience but the attention to detail. I don't want to give spoilers away but the world isn't 'constant'. Whilst everything (buildings, roads etc) all stay the same, some of the details 'change'. Posters, billboards, Statues etc will sometimes show a different image but turn away and back again and they revert back to the 'expected' version. It has more 'jump scares' and deals more with the emotional and psychological world of Batman too. The world is quite dark and maybe not quite as 'gothic' as Asylum, the story is probably more predictable although it does have a few twists but as its an open world game, its also not quite as focussed. I haven't yet finished the 'story' (at 95%) as I am trying to finish collecting all the Riddler Riddles (over 200 of the 243 done so far...) but all the side quests (apart from the Riddles) are done. Technically and visually its impressive too.
I definitely recommend playing the Rocksteady Arkham trilogy in order. I know City gets a rough deal and is the weakest of the 3, but its still a great game. As far as the progression of Batman goes, it expands on the tools and abilities of the first and flying around the city is great fun - It also has a LOT of the Villains too...
As I said, if 'Story' is the most important, then Asylum is the winner, If its about the best and most complete 'Batman' experience, then Knight is the winner. The combat is also better, until you factor in the one dimensional Batmobile which can bring down the combat experience - just shooting drones doesn't have the same variety as the Batman combat. It is great fun to drive around, the destruction is great, and ejecting out or dropping into is also awesome.
Edit: Finally will be getting my Xbox One Ltd Edition Statue edition today from Amazon after the issue of the 'packaging quality'
Personally, I would rate (best to last): City, Knight, Asylum then Origins. I haven't played the other title.
I like your way of thinking ("Blackgate doesn't even make the list"). I don't even know why I bothered putting it in mine. Lol.
The game had a lot of potential & was an important game for the Vita, but it failed on almost every level.
After playing Arkham Knight, I find it hard to go back to Asylum despite it still being an incredible game. Knight just polishes and refines everything that came before it, and adds a slew of new features. Perhaps because it's still so fresh in my mind, I'd have to give Knight the #1 position, followed by City, Asylum, Origins, and Blackgate.
1. Arkham City
2. Arkham Origins
3. Arkham Asylum
4. Arkham Knight
Liked all the games to a certain degree, but City was the cream of the crop in my humble opinion (though I may be prejudiced, as it was the first one I played). It took what was great in Asylum (which I immediately played next), and made it even more realized and amazing, while adding its own unique additions as well (engaging story, smooth gameplay, great free roam and side missions, boss battles, etc.) Origins gets way too much hate for my taste, as I thought it was a great experience too (glitches and freezing spells aside). Knight was ok, but the story was weak, and the Batmobile aspect was overdone to the point where it became frustrating. The only real compliment I can give Knight is its smooth gameplay, which was really amazing as where the graphics.
However, City was and still is the quintessential Batman experience.
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