Forgive us, as we know it's still a month away, but we're already getting really excited about the Xbox Games Showcase this year. It feels like it's going to be a really good show, mainly due to the fact that we're almost certainly going to get a look at Starfield finally, but there's plenty of other stuff we're hoping to see as well.
So, with about a month to go, we're interested to know what your plans are for the show this year. It's taking place on a Sunday - Sunday, June 12th at 10am PT / 1pm EST / 6pm BST, to be exact - and so that might mean some Xbox fans will find it easier to watch it live, or potentially harder to watch it live... it depends on your circumstances!
Whatever you choose to do, don't forget that we'll be hosting the show here at Pure Xbox with a live blog, chatroom, and live stream on the day, and we'll be following that up with all the recap you need about what was covered in the event.
So, what's the plan? Watching it live? Meeting up with friends? Hoping to go to an in-person Xbox FanFest event? Not bothered about watching it live, and just planning to read up on the news later? Tell us in the comments below!
Comments 21
Of course, I'll watch it live with friends! The Xbox Showcases have been one of the highlights of the year for me the past few years!
Looking at the time I'll probably be watching it live. Through the fanfest thing, maybe even win something in the process of.
As its at a reasonable time for me in the UK, then I have every intention of watching it live, then checking out all the 'game-play' uploads straight after. It doesn't matter how the games 'look or run' so much during the Live Stream as 'heavy' compression, stutters etc can give a wrong impression - so I will go back and watch individual uploads (so I don't have to sit through all the bits in between) to get a better impression.
Seeing pixelated shadows/gradients etc as well as 'stutter' and juddery motion caused by compression and live streaming can make a good looking and performing game look like it needs a LOT more work and/or put you off so I always watch individual videos after to get a more accurate and 'truer' impression of the state of the game.
Watching it live with my GF while we eat, can't wait for Forza Motorsport, i bought my Series S just for that game
I'll be muting my Xbox chat and avoiding social media for the day and watch the showcase in the evening once the kids are in bed.
UK Perfect time, no other way but live.
Wether it's Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, EA, ubisoft etc I always watch them live, it's the only way for me and its been like that for over 10 years, and being from the UK I'd have to stay up til 4am sometimes with work the next day but oh well, the time for this one though is perfect
As I am visiting family in another country I have no choice but to opt for the read the news option otherwise I would have been watching live.
I might wait so I can watch it in the 4K video but I’ll probably watch it live and rewatch it a few days later. I’m glad they are keeping the E3 spirit alive.
My friends and I always have a watch party. We play games through either lan or local multiplayer and then watch the conference while we eat pizza and stuff. Then keep playing games after the excitement. It’s always fun.
Watching it live. It's already in my calendar and I'm even attempting to get the Mrs into watching this time round (purely so I can get in on the big living room TV)
Will wait and watch the 4k video and see the games presented in the way they should be.
If I have nothing going on, then I’ll definitely watch it live. Given it’s on a Sunday, chances are I should be able to.
I'm gonna sit in just my underpants watching it whilst eating pizza. 🤪😁🍕
Not really, I'll probably have to catch up later, I will watch it in full though.
Watching it live. It's one of those things I look forward to every year.
I know I'm in a bit of minority on this but I'll miss E3. I liked E3 as much as Xmas. So I'm happy Xbox will be keeping a little flame alive at E3 time. RIP E3 you were great until you weren't.
I will wait for the 4K release after the livestream. I hope they stream in 4K livestream, Samsung does it, The Game Awards does it as well. Not Xbox or Sony. Weird. Although, 4K will come eventually. Also, some gameplays are lower bitrate anyways so it would be a waste in 4K.
I'm very excited for this event which thankfully is in a months time. I do hope we game releases from June onwards since the first half has been lacking exclusives.
I'll be watching it live via my Xbox
I'll be watching it live on here with you lot ☺️
Cannot bloody wait 😁
As others have said hopefully they can get a 4K livestream going. Other shows like The Game Awards manage this so not sure why it can't be done by MS.
Regardless will be watching live, but it would be great to see the games at their best first time round.
EDIT: Not sure why the event felt a lot longer than a month away! Time flies
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