Welcome to the weekend! Most people are probably going to be playing a little-known game called Elden Ring over the next couple of days, but if you're not interested in that, we've also got new Xbox Game Pass titles, three more Free Play Days games (including Assassin's Creed Valhalla) and a wide array of sales to take advantage of.
Here's what we're checking out this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
While everyone else is busy playing Elden Ring this weekend, I've got a few sports games I'm eager to keep enjoying on my Series X, such as PGA Tour 2K21 and Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. I've also just started Hitman Trilogy on Xbox Game Pass, and while I'm admittedly pretty terrible at it, it's definitely a lot of fun so far.
The other game I'm considering is Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which is part of Xbox Free Play Days this week. I'll admit that the near-100GB download size puts me off, especially considering my internet speeds aren't the best, but it's worth a try if I can find enough spare time over the next few days. That's about it for me I think!
Have a good weekend, folks.
PJ O'Reilly, Staff Writer
Well Elden Ring is finally here and, as an absolutely enormous FromSoftware fan whose played and enjoyed everything they've made since back in ye olden King's Field days, I am enormously excited to get stuck right into this brand new adventure.
I've have managed to have a few hours on the opening area so far, clearing a few small dungeons and riding my amazing double-jumping horse around the open world, but I'm fully intent on diving deep this weekend, pitting myself against a few proper bosses and dying hundreds (if not thousands) of times in the process. There's nothing quite like a new Souls game.
Have a good weekend!
Ben Kerry, Staff Writer
Now that I've ripped through GRID Legends for review, I'll probably put a bit more time into its multiplayer, given there should be a nice little community going right now at launch. Its arcadey action seems rife for frantic online fun, so I'll give it a whirl.
Otherwise, and I know it's not strictly playing a game, but I'll probably be sat in front of Twitch watching plenty of people suffer through Elden Ring. I don't quite have the mettle to do it myself, but that doesn't mean I won't have fun watching others try.
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 24
Will be primarily playing Far Cry 4 on PS4 and Forza Motorsport 6 on Xbox One this weekend as I try to wrap up those games. I'm halfway through FC4 and it's been an absolute blast to play. With FM6, I only have three series left of the career before I'm done with it as well.
I might also throw in some Yo-Kai Watch 2 on 3DS whenever I feel like taking a break from these games.
Been playing grid legends. Some good changes but not as many as wanted very similar gameplay to 2019 version
Sekiro trying to tackle Owl Father after beating Monk. Horizon Forbidden West, Dying Light 2 and Cuphead
Xbox Series X - The King of Fighters XV
PS5 - Horizon: Forbidden West
Still going on cyberpunk and I am loving it. All quests (either story or side) are interesting. I am having a bit of bugs as the game progresses (mainly áudio glitches) but nothing ground breaking
Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5... for now and many weekends ahead.
still continuimg with mad max, also bought the sinking city, played the first mission for now and I'm really digging it.
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - finally starting this one after putting it off for a while! I hope I'll enjoy it.
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance - Attempting to clear some more challenges over the weekend. Some of them are really tough.
Elden Ring - I am prepared to die, once again.
GTA Online - Multiplayer later with friends!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Martha is dead
Watch dogs legion ...had it pre-ordered and read a review on ta saying it was too buggy to review and it put me off it ....untill now
Metroid Dread Item hunt before final boss.
Borderlands 3 final trophies hunt.
Oracle of Seasons in my first replay for years.
I’m playing bioshock infinite and maybe a little red dead 2.
I’m still trying to save the world in Horizon Forbidden West. I’m about twelve hours in so I have a long way to go, but I’m loving every second of it.
I’m mostly hopping between Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5, and the EA Play trial of Grid Legends on my Series X.
Horizon Forbidden West of course. But my chill out game is Fire Emblem Three Houses. So a combo of those all weekend. My Series is enjoying a well deserved break after being my go to console since launch.
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - Still working on Dailies as usual.
Dragon Mania Legends (Windows Phone) - Just started on this one.
Ridiculous Marathon (Windows Phone) - Also playing this in bursts here and there.
Switch — NSMBU Deluxe-- I was finally able to find a Switch in the wild so I am going back and finishing up games I started before mine was stolen.
Xbox — Forza Horizon — I never played the first one so I wanted to see where it all started.
I'm gonna be playing Mario Golf Super Rush..
Still on Horizon FW. Took some time away from gaming to work on making music, and might continue to do so - getting back into it, not sure how seriously. Will probably play some Sea of Thieves with the guys tonight though.
Elden Ring, even though I kinda wanna just stop until the servers aren’t melting down…. I love reading player messages and the like and thus far I haven’t been able to do it. I might continue on with my play through of the campaign in Battlefield Bad Company. I’ve made up my mind that I’m gonna try to play through every shooter I have this year, just for fun.
Or I may fire up Baldurs Gate 2 and run through quests on the lowest difficulty setting for a while.
Not sure.
@fabisputza007 Yeah I have that in progress that’s a lot of fun.
This weekend I’ll be playing (reading?) more Disco Elysium, plus Fallout 4.
Elden Ring. So amazing!!!
Cyberpunk. Actually quite enjoying it.
Playing Mike Tyson's super punch-out boxing on the famicom. Might play a few missions in the morning.
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