Welcome to the weekend! If you're stuck for what to do over the next couple of days, we've seen a few titles hit Xbox Game Pass including MLB The Show 22, plenty of new games have hit the market including LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, we've got two more Free Play Days titles to choose from, and of course the Xbox Spring Sale is now live, allowing you to take advantage of hundreds of discounts on the biggest games.
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
You can probably guess what I'll be playing this weekend based on the two big releases of the past few days. The first is LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which I reviewed here at Pure Xbox but didn't get anywhere near achieving 100% completion in, so I'm going to be sticking with that great game for a long time to come yet.
The other is Sony's MLB The Show 22, which I've barely had a chance to touch so far. It's so great to have the MLB The Show series on Xbox these days, and I really enjoyed last year's game, so it'll be good to get properly started with a brand-new entry over the weekend. Plus, you get 10 free DD packs with Game Pass, so that's a bonus.
Have a great weekend everyone!
PJ O'Reilly, Staff Writer
Hello. This weekend I'm going to be diving into a bunch of stuff on Xbox, including Godfall Ultimate Edition, MLB The Show 22 and Chinatown Detective Agency.
I've been meaning to give Godfall another go since falling off the wagon with it on PS5 way back when it first released so am looking forward to diving in there to check out any improvements, and have been patiently awaiting the release of Chinatown Detective Agency, so I can't wait to crack into that one.
Elsewhere, I'll be jumping into Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga's co-op mode to blast through the three trilogies with my kids. I've already completed the game on Switch, which is an amazing port, but can't wait to get stuck into the shiny Series X version over the next few days. Have a great weekend!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 36
Playing tunic, I just find an enemy that I can't hurt with my stick, I think I should find the sword first but I still can't find it.
Well, I guess I'm gonna play Far Cry 6, Resi Village and Timesplitters 2 on my brand new Series X all day today, and maybe tomorrow I'll manage to sneak in some game time between work and D&D 😃
Will be continuing my gaming marathon since I've got all next week booked off.
On playstation 5 I will be playing Tiny Tina Wonderlands and Elden Ring.
On switch I will be continuing with fire emblem three houses and just started dragon quest 11s, I've also just bought AI the somnium files so looking forward to starting that.
And on xbox I will continue with the guardians of the galaxy which has been pretty good so far.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - really enjoying this so far! This is everything I was hoping it to be.
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - hunting shinies...
Smash 3DS - had an idea to go back to Smash 4 this weekend, just to see how the online is. It's still going kinda strong!
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - loving the gameplay so far, on the 5th story mission!
GTA Online - multiplayer with friends later tonight!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Another weekend with Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5...
I finally caved last night and bought Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga (on Series X). Downloaded it overnight so will fire it up later today. Also playing Horizon Forbidden West, Kirby and the forgotten land, and Gran Turismo 7.
MLB The Show 22. Turned on auto fielding and auto base running and all I gotta do is pitch and hit. It’s truly gripped me. I had no idea there was all sorts of equipment to earn for your player. You increase stats. It’s damn near an RPG in all but name.
@Nightcrawler71 been seeing it going for like 130 bucks brand new for Switxh on Mercari. Sold out everywhere or so I’m told.
Plz let us know if it’s good, wouldn’t mind grabbing this one.
@wiiware You find it within the first 30 minutes.
No games for me this weekend. I am enjoying a well enjoyed time to catch up on reading.
I recently beat Tunic on my Series X and it’s a strong contender for GOTY for me personally, and I also completed Elden Ring on my PS5. I have all of the trophies other than two other endings so I want to go back and platinum the game — but I didn’t do the save scum trick so I’ll have to do a NG+ and I’d rather take a break for now.
I’m now in a fun on what to play. I think I might play Fallout New Vegas for the first time on my X, or do a replay of Prey; a game that that I adore and originally played on my PS4 when released but wouldn’t mind playing it on the X. I did start Gears of War Ultimate Edition and strictly playing co-op with my friend so that’ll be a weekend game for us.
Generation Zero or Control, haven't played it in a while and need to finish it off
Remnant: From the Ashes on Xbox - my buddies and I decided to give this one a go. It's pretty okay so far.
Bulletstorm on PS4 - playing the Duke Nukem version. So stupid, yet so awesome.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein on PC - still forcing myself through this.
Vestaria Saga on PC - this is a long game and I'll probably be chipping away at it level by level for a good while
Kirby and the Forgotten Land on Switch - Almost done with this one. Just straight up fun to play.
@Clankylad I didn't know I can use bomb, the manual isn't in english language lol, thanks for tips.
@Nerdfather1 I hope I can find the shield quickly after finding the sword since there are enemies (the snake one) that hard to fight because they attack me after I land just one hit on them.
I'm playing Pokemon Legends arceus
Just Beat: Strangers of Paradise-Final Fantasy Origin (Series X)
Now Playing: Too Human (Series X) & Star Ocean-First Departure (Switch)
Up Next: Chrono Cross-Radical Dreamers Edition (Series X)
Guardians of the Galaxy. Such an awesome game.
GTA V alone and Kirby with my daughter, and I tried Tetris effect this week and it’s one of the most beautiful and grooving Tetris I have ever played.
Playing The Show 22 and Tiny Tina's on my Series X this weekend, in between working.
@clvr I will be starting a new D&D campaign this weekend with my group. Just going to be making the characters and hopefully next weekend we will start. Nice to see a other D&D player in the crowd.
@Tasuki nice! Creating new characters is so engrossing, I already have ideas for the next 2 or 3 lol
Currently my company and I are almost wrapping up a campaign that's been going on for 5 years, although I only started playing less than a year ago (yeah I'm a noobie 😄), so big things are happening left and right lol
Back to your campaign though, I'm curious, what character are you gonna play? 😃
@clvr LOL I know what you mean about creating characters, I have character concepts 20 years old that I still would love to do just need to see how they will work with current editions of D&D lol.
This campaign I will be DMing. Currently the only character ideas that my players have is one wants to be a Diablo Demon Hunter which we will be using the Bloodhunter class, and another wants to be a halfling rogue. My other players are still thinking but have a few ideas it just which one they want to use.
@Tasuki ah I see, you must be very experienced then!
DMing sounds like such an awesome, although incredibly taxing thing to do, but I'd like to try it in a few years when I'm more experienced 😃
Weird west for me... so far I'm 1/2 hours in and it hasn't clicked yet.. it will probably do so later on
I am step by step advancing in dark souls (first playtrough). Finished Anol londo and still figuring out which part I will tackle first now.
Twisted Metal 2 (PS) - I decided to finally complete this with all characters.
007: Quantum of Solace (PS2) - I can safely say that this is the best version of this game hands down.
ExZeus 2 (Windows Phone) - Still replaying levels for high scores.
@clvr I have been playing since the early 90s back during 2nd Edition so yeah you can say I am experienced. DMing isn't too hard as long as you have all your ducks in a row. There is also apps and such like D&D Beyond that help out alot and make it alot easier.
Still on Elden Ring; grabbed all achievements a little while ago, just really enjoying it! Lego Star Wars next up though…
Playing Mad Max , which I bought for £2.99 in sale , really enjoying it 😘
Just got to credits of Nobody Saves The World. Really enjoyed it! Got 3 achievements left but not sure whether to go for them or move on.
@clvr congrats on the SX!
@Vonsparrow I also recently got mad max its fun. I had always been on the fence about it.
I will be playing ESO series X
GodFall got it on sale Series x
Skywalker saga maybe depends on wife
EU IV pc Im about 30 hours into this campaign as France trying to deal with Austria and England.
@Royalblues i think I'm just doing the very last day in the game. It definitely has been great and played great on xcloud. Put in over 20 hours i think and loved the dirty humour.
Still playing Shredders and loving every moment of it. What a great snowboarding sim.
@Clankylad it is a great game I haven't played the xbox version but thepc is a lot of fun just watch the clock it can make days pass in a blink. also mess around with the create a ruler you can make a god with crazy things like being a cannable or drunk you wont get achievements if use more points then allowed but it is still fun!
@rtr0GMR1 hey thanks! 😃
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