Right at the tail end of last week, Redfall developer Arkane Austin announced that one final update is coming to the game before the studio's impending shutdown, and we're starting to think about what exactly could be included in the game's closing patch.

The team has already confirmed that an Offline Mode is coming, alongside single-player pausing and revamped Neighborhood & Nest systems, but what else could be included here? We already know that "'more" will be featured, so it's just a case of what Arkane has been able to sneak into this patch before development has to wind down.

Back in early May we did a big retrospective on what we think went wrong with Redfall - this was before the studio closure announcement believe it or not. Vampire-related bugs, dodgy AI and an empty-feeling world remain some of our biggest complaints, so anything to improve those aspects would be much welcome at Pure Xbox HQ.

What about you, though? Is there any specific feature you're hoping Arkane has managed to work into this update? Are you just hoping for a general overhaul of what's already there? There are a lot of potential things we could see here!

Comment down below and tell us what you want from this final Redfall update.