On this day back in 2012, 2K unleashed Spec Ops: The Line; another third person military shooter featuring a gruff American bloke and plenty of bad dudes to shoot. At the time, it certainly looked like another uninspired effort chasing the Call of Duty crowd, not to mention its beyond-generic title. However, behind this 'tough guy' exterior is a shooter with a lot of heart, and one that delivers a message as poignant as ever in 2022.
Set out in a sandstorm-ravaged Dubai, the game's setting is the one and only thing that appears somewhat unique upon loading the game. The rest of the initial setup seems fairly unremarkable; a squad of military dudes have caught wind of a radio signal within the city, and their task is to infiltrate and find survivors. What actually lies ahead is a story that pushes you into questioning the reasons for war, violence and even the video games that portray these actions.

A lot of the time, we don't think about the things we actually do in video games. Sure, the debate around violence in gaming is ever-present and certainly something we don't really want to get into here, but the game itself asking why? That's another question entirely and it makes Spec Ops feel unique even a decade after release. Why are we as people at war? Why do we want to play out such events in a video game? How far will you go in a game just to see it through to its conclusion? It's a weird way to frame a game's events, but it works in asking you to jump in with a different mindset than when playing your typical shooter.
As for the gameplay itself, well, that is a lot more typical, all told. One neat mechanic it sort of teases early on is using the environment to your advantage, through unloading heaps of trapped sand onto your enemies and working in tandem with the game's sandstorms to outsmart enemies. However, these tend to be limited to certain, scripted scenes and don't really make a difference in general play. Elsewhere, it's by-the-numbers third-person shooting with modern day military weaponry.

And yet, the fact that this game still remains on our minds to this day, goes to show just how much the story holds up. We don't want to go much further into spoiler territory even 10 years later, as this game's narrative is the sole reason to play Spec Ops in 2022. However, that sole reason is enough even now, and you should absolutely play through Yager's third person shooter if this type of thing appeals to you. Better yet, it's backwards compatible on Xbox and is easy to pick up and play even now. Sorry though folks, it's not on Game Pass yet!
As 10 years passes by, we'd love to see the series revived one day, although maybe it sits better as a standalone game? We've all gone about our business since, playing a plethora of violent games and doing our damnedest to plough through as many enemies as possible within those games. Spec Ops: The Line did make us stop and think though, and for that, it deserves a huge amount of credit.
Have you played Spec Ops? If not, will you give it a shot 10 years later? Let us know down below!
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Comments 16
I had the pleasure of meeting Nolan North at a London Comic Con. When asked what game he's worked out that he's the most proud of, he answered "Spec Ops"
It really is a must play game. One that stays with you well beyond the end credits.
I absolutely loved this game shame there was never a sequel or folow up of some kind.
I remember playing this awhile back and thinking, "huh, by the numbers shooter. Decent" but by the first poignant act, I was hooked purely for the story. I had to find out what happened. And the [REDACTED] are easier to get, because you don't need multiple playthroughs, just reload one of the last saves. If there ever was a game, that belong on a "top 10 games, every gamer should play" list, it's this one.
@Rangers420 a sequel would be hard, considering what the devs and the gamer chose to go with, at the end. And a follow-up wouldn't have the same impact as the first, in my opinion.
Picked this up on a whim way back when for $20 or so on the 360. Still a game I suggest to this day.
Great game, I had at least 3 playthroughs with this game back in the day. It is a 360 game but it is a must play game.
This game was overhyped to me, and ultimately it came off as disappointing when I finally played it last year. I was expecting something incredible, and it turned out to be just something interesting. People rank this game as god-tier, when really it's like an 8/10. Just keep your expectations in check if you've never played this before and you're interested. It's interesting, but its not going to "blow your mind" or anything.
@everynowandben I had a similar reaction. It's no doubt a good game, or perhaps good story is a better way to put it, but I wouldn't say it's a classic.
Nolan north puts on a god tier performance though, actually thought he was better in this than either uncharted or last of us and he was excellent in those.
Just bought it on eBay for £5.90. Got to be worth a punt at that price.
Microsoft wanted £19.99 for digital, crazy.
@Eleventy8 Yeah, it's a short one too, wouldn't pay £20 for it now. Enjoy it though, it's a good un!
@everynowandben Yeah, I think if you have expectations prior it probably doesn't have quite as much impact. But, when you pick this up on a whim expecting a game called "spec ops" to be a bog standard shooter, it does surprise and delight there
I played this game for the first time a couple of months back and it was fantastic. The character development was really well done. I liked how your character continued to show his anger and aggression through gameplay situations via executions and dialogue, which was unique. The story was also great. In terms of combat, I thought it was quite serviceable and engaging. Overall, I really liked this game and wish it would have been more successful.
Total Heart Of Darkness game. I loved it when played it back on the 360. The scene with the agent orange....man
Hey! I was thinking about this game few days ago for a sequel.
The game was quite fun and nice to see (sand effects, building crashing from inside).
Unfortunately it was/is very underrated.
This is the one war game where they do a decent job at addressing the "war is hell" and the actions a soldier has to take in combat. Other games try to do that (often WWII games) but still gets caught up in the heroism.
The white phosphorous scene is one that still sticks with me today, and helped me get a bit of a different perspective on the issue.
Good game. Also on sale tonight in the US for $5.99!
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