It's time for another round of Pick One! This week, to celebrate the long-awaited announcement of Resident Evil 4 Remake, we thought we'd take a look back at the rich history of Resident Evil games on Xbox.
You've got a lot to choose from here, from Xbox 360 games like Resident Evil – Code: Veronica to remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3, to the most recent release in the form of Resident Evil Village.
Remember you can only pick one!
Let's take a look at some highlights, followed by a full list in the poll below:
Resident Evil – Code: Veronica X (2011)
It has been 3 months since the destruction of Raccoon City. Claire Redfield travels to Europe in search of her brother. Claire infiltrates the Paris laboratory of Umbrella Corporation, but is captured after a heated gun fight. The captured Claire is then sent to Rockfort Island, but shortly after her arrival the island is attacked! Amidst the chaos, a horde of zombies are released! Can Claire escape the horrors of the island?
Resident Evil 2 Remake (2019)
Play individual campaigns for both Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield using an all new 3rd person view as you explore the zombie infested areas of Raccoon City, now stunningly re-built using Capcom’s proprietary RE Engine. New puzzles, storylines and areas mean both new and seasoned fans will find horrifying new surprises await them!
Resident Evil 4 (2016)
Resident Evil 4 arrives on Xbox One in full 1080p HD with an increased frame rate. This revolutionary masterpiece represents a turning point for the series as it brought the gameplay to a third-person over-the-shoulder perspective for the first time. Featuring a thrilling storyline taking place after the destruction of Umbrella Corporation, Resident Evil 4 not only changed the course of Resident Evil, but influenced countless other titles as well.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)
Menace and isolation seethe through the rotting walls of an abandoned farmhouse in the American South. "7" marks a new beginning for survival horror, and a full model change to the frightening and immersive "Isolated View "player perspective. Powered by the cutting-edge RE Engine, horror reaches new heights of photorealism so overwhelming you won't be able to turn away. Enter a terrifyingly new world of horror and survive.
Resident Evil Village (2021)
Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline begins with Ethan Winters and his wife Mia living peacefully in a new location, free from their past nightmares. Just as they are building their new life together, tragedy befalls them once again.
Let us know which of these Resident Evil Xbox games is your favourite below.
Comments 34
4 is definitely my favorite!!!
Went village as I played 4 on the GameCube so that didn’t count.
Looking forward to 4 remake on series x next year.
Resident Evil Revelations series doesn't get enough love I think their both excellent.
If you didn't say 4, you are wrong (although admittedly I only played it on the GameCube)
Voted resi 2 remake. Will get better soon, with Ray tracing and 60fps added too.
CV has a special place in my heart. It was the first RE title I ever played so I went with that one. It was hard to choose because the original RE remake and RE 2 remake are up there for me as well.
Personally I prefer the gameplay employed in Resident Evil 5, it's balanced and fun, and the game has great split screen multiplayer.
Whatever platform you play it on, Resi 4 is not only the best game in the series, but also one of the best games ever made. It was literally a gamechanger back in 2005, reinventing the franchise and defining action games for years to come. For most who've played it, it should easily sit within their top 5 favourite games of all time.
The RE2 remake is very good too, mind.
RE4 for me, what a game!
I chose Resident Evil but I would also choose the 2 and 3 remakes and would love a Code Veronica remake. 4 was the first I played (on GC) and I like it of course but not as much.
Unashamedly it's Resident Evil 6, I genuinely enjoy it and that version of Mercenaries is the best by far. RE4 is close but I detest escort quests of any kind so it only becomes enjoyable on a second playthrough when I can put the suit of armour on Ashley and forget all about her.
@Shigurui While it’s not my favourite, I think Resident Evil 6 gets far too much hate. As you said, the Mercenaries mode is great, and I think the campaigns are really fun in couch co-op. I also like Revelations 2 for that reason.
Code Veronica X
Not the biggest re fan but I've played large parts of 2 remake and 7 and 8. From those 8 until now seems the best. But I have yet to finish a re game.
@PapaGlitch Anyone saying RE4 is wrong.
The game is great, but on xbox, it's broken. The aiming has a huge deadzone and is by far the worst than on any version of the game. Capcom just f'd it up and never bothered to fix it. It makes aiming a massive headache.
I'm the Revelations 1% lol Hard to choose between Revelations, 2, and 4, so I went with the one I knew would have lowest votes.
@Richnj the best version is definitely the Wii version the motion controls were great
@Would_you_kindly I never got to play the Wii version. I should have picked it up back in the day but since I already had it on GameCube and I wasn’t the biggest fan of 4, I passed it up. I did play a couple minutes of it on the quest (VR makes me sick so it was literally just a couple minutes.) Out of curiosity, have you played it on there? I’m wondering if it feels a bit like the Wii version with the controls?
I enjoyed 3 on the Gamecube back in the day. Preferred it to 4 which I thought was OK. I stopped at 4 and Code Veronica although dabbled in the 5 multiplayer and didn't see the point in it.
@EvilSilentFrame they should've added motion controls to switch version would've been alot better & no I've not played the vr version as I don't have an oculus quest , I would've bought it for psvr if they'd released it on PS4
@Would_you_kindly all I can say about the VR version is it looked good. I looked around for a couple minutes and then took it off. It wasn’t my Oculus Quest as I get sick really fast. Wish I didn’t because I would love to try it out and I’d like to try the remake when it comes to PlayStation’s new headset.
@Would_you_kindly Oh yeah, definitely. I even enjoyed Dead Rising: Chop til you Drop, for what it was. The lack of motion controls on the Switch and PS4 versions of RE4 and 5 was a real miss.
Code Veronica X. Loved playing that. So cheesy
Resident Evil 2 because its the best one
A year ago I would've said Resident Evil 2 remake, but the further we get away from it the more I realize I was a 'prisoner of the moment' in 2019-2021, overlooking its flaws because I wanted to love what was a modern update of my favorite game of all-time. It's not the worst remake ever, but it doesn't hold a candle to the 1998 release and in terms of how to update a game can't touch what Resident Evil 1 remake was in 2002. At least it was better than the dreadful RE 3 remake but that's about the nicest compliment I can give it and that's not really impressive to be better than one of the worst remakes in history.
Now that I've taken a few steps back and am viewing things these days without nostalgia-tinted glasses, I'd have to go with 8 as my favorite followed very closely by 7 and the Code Veronica (still despise tank controls, however, even back in 1996 I hated that set up).
Code Veronica X to me, the nostalgia factor weighs too much. 4 is amazing and I dont think It needs a remake, and I must say I prefer 6 over 7 any day.
@JoakimZ @AlienigenX I also think that 6 is great. It has varied campaigns and I enjoyed most of the game. VII is too gory and I don't like the mandatory first-person view either. 6 is also better than 5, in my opinion.
RE4 for me. RE2 was great, but it didn’t quite surpass the gameplay of RE4. Code Veronica would have been up there was well but I prefer the original to the X version.
RE 2 remake is absolutely my favorite in the series now. I can’t get into 7 and 8 with the first person perspective. But I’m beyond excited for 4 remake.
@Richnj I love dead rising but never played that one lol is it good
I voted Village as I just loved the gothic setting. The remake of 2 was very enjoyable too. The game I've played the most is 5. Played through that multiple times both solo and with friends (the co-op gameplay makes this a serious contender as being the best of the lot!)...
I suffer badly with motion sickness too, @EvilSilentFrame. Do you think travel sickness pills would help?
I'd love to play though RE in VR, and am tempted to get the upcoming Sony VR2 (mostly because I want to play through Horizon) but I am seriously worried about the aspect of motion sickness (and the possible cost!)...
@Fiendish-Beaver I never thought of taking travel sickness pills. I’ve never gotten sick like that before from traveling. It’s only from VR I get so sick afterwards. I don’t know if it has anything to do with what I am seeing or if it’s from the pressure on my head from the headset. It’s something to consider, because I’d like to try some of these games out more. If I try it, I’ll let you know if it helped.
Cool, and likewise, @EvilSilentFrame...
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