All eyes are on Starfield right now when it comes to Bethesda Game Studios projects, but thanks to an early tease from years ago, we do know that The Elder Scrolls 6 is also in the works over there. We know hardly anything else about the team's Skyrim sequel, but, Todd Howard has spoken a little bit about TES 6 in a new interview.

Chatting with GQ Magazine, Todd mostly talked about Starfield of course, but he was posed a few The Elder Scrolls-related questions towards the end of the interview. Here's what Todd had to say about the team's aims with the sixth mainline entry:

"I will say that we want it to fill that role of the ultimate fantasy-world simulator. And there are different ways to accomplish that given the time that has passed."

Todd didn't elaborate on the project much more than that, but he did confirm that the team has a secret internal codename for the title, and that looking back, he probably would have announced it "more casually" than the official teaser trailer from 2018.

The rest of the interview is well worth a read, especially if you're in Starfield hype mode right now. Speaking of which, we've just found out about the game's official release times - we'll drop a link to those down below!

Are you hyped for the next Elder Scrolls? Or are you purely focused on Starfield for now? Let us know in the comments.
