Almost 20 Years Later, 'Nearly Unbeatable' Halo 2 Challenge Finally Beaten

It's been way more than a 'hot minute' since Halo 2 released, but that hasn't stopped folks playing it since release in 2004. Of course, its inclusion in Halo: The Master Chief Collection probably helped, but it hardly needed any help, did it? Having said all that, this is not something we expected to read in August 2022...

After 18 years or so, someone has finally cracked a 'nearly unbeatable' Halo 2 challenge, on record at least. Streamer Charlie 'Cr1tikal' White set out a Halo 2 challenge for anyone to beat, starting out with a $5k reward that eventually rose to $20k.

As for the challenge itself, well, it sounds pretty tough. Basically, you have to complete a deathless run, on legendary difficulty, with every rage-inducing skull activated. One skull ā€” that grants the player the invisibility cloak instead of a flashlight ā€” is disabled, because it'd probably help the player out. Masochists we tell you!

Halo Artibter

Anyway, we'd epically fail at this in 5 minutes flat, but Twitch streamer JerValiN just successfully performed the near-impossible. They completed the challenge run in about six and a half hours, taking home a sweet $20,000 in the process.

We can just about manage a Souls game, never mind something like this! Either way, the feat has finally been beaten, almost 20 years on from Halo 2's release in 2004. Impressive!

You can check out the moment JerValiN completed the challenge in the video below. Be warned that it contains language you may find offensive.

Would you give this a go? Or not a chance? Let us know if you're a masochist in the comments.
