Did You Know: One Of The Last Ever Kinect Games Is On Xbox Game Pass

It went very much under the radar last December, but Xbox added a brand-new game to Game Pass with actual Kinect 2.0 support! The catch is that you can only use the Kinect with the game if playing on PC though.

It's called Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator, and as far as we can tell, it's currently the last ever mainstream game developed for the Kinect. You can play it without the Kinect too ā€” that's what the intended control method is, and the only way to play it on Xbox ā€” but if you're crazy enough, the Kinect is an option for you on PC.

So, why does it have Kinect support? Well, one of the developers humorously explained this over on Steam:

"I work with a brilliant, slightly unhinged creative programmer named Sam Chiet, and one day, at 3 AM, I blearily opened my phone to find a video of the game working with full functionality on a Kinect. And a tablet. And a Wiimote. You know, for the Nintendo Wii (2007).

He apparently did all of those experiments in one night just because he could, and has since dedicated a large portion of his time to single-handedly becoming the final Kinect developer. I decided the safest option was to stay out of his way."

Better yet, the team is still hosting a competition for the first person who manages to complete the entirety of the campaign via the Kinect 2.0 (and provide proof), offering a $50 Steam gift card as the reward.

"I am personally sending the first person to direct message me documented proof of using a Kinect to play through the entirety of the campaign (reaching the "The Top 0.1%" reputation level) a $50 Steam gift card. Primarily so I can meet the kind of person who would do that to themselves, and plead with them for mercy lest they destroy us all."

The game itself is a bizarre one, seeing you take the role of an Organ Trader as you "buy, sell, and trade organs in a strange and evolving universe". It challenges you to "dive into the quivering innards of alien capitalism in the sci-fi body horror market tycoon game you didn't know you needed".

You can check out the trailer below, and let us know if you try this one on Kinect!

Have you played this with Kinect? What are your favourite Kinect memories? Tell us in the comments.

[source steamcommunity.com]