Did You Know: Alexa Can Be Used To Control Your Xbox Series X 2

Did you know you could use your Alexa device and Google Home to control your Xbox Series X?

In a clip on Xbox News' Twitter, the console can be seen being powered on and asked to play Doom Eternal. It gladly obeys as it boots up, logs into the account and begins playing the game.

It's worth noting that this feature can be used with an Xbox One console, too. So even those who haven't managed to make the jump to the next-gen can take advantage of a speedier boot up process.

To enable it, simply enter the console settings, go to "Devices and connections" and then into "Digital assistants". Here you can setup Alexa and be on your way to audibly controlling your console. Unfortunately, she can't be used to play your games, but it's definitely a quick way to get into the action!

Have you used this feature to control your Xbox Series X? Let us know in the comments below.

[source twitter.com]