Here we go again! Activision has confirmed today that the file size for the upcoming November 13th launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will be expectedly large, clocking in at a massive 136GB on Xbox Series X|S.
That means it'll take up a significant portion of your internal storage, and keep in mind that due to being a next-gen title, you won't be able to run it off anything other than the internal SSD or a Seagate 1TB Expansion Card at launch.
For comparison, here's the full list of file sizes including for Xbox One:
- PlayStation 4: 95GB
- PlayStation 5: 133GB
- Xbox One: 93GB
- Xbox Series X|S: 136GB
- PC: 35 GB (Multiplayer Only) / 82GB (Full Game) / 125GB (Full Game on Ultra Graphics)
Fortunately, there is a way of reducing this file size if you're concerned about the large footprint. Activision has confirmed that you can choose to uninstall specific game mode packs, such as for Campaign or Zombies, which can be managed in-game through the “Account & Network” section of the Settings menu.
How are you feeling about this file size? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 19
The first thing I'm going to do is beat the campaign then immediately uninstall that part! Hopefully that will bring it down to about 60gb..?
I was actually expecting it to be more since Modern Warfare is like 200gb on Xbox one.. This actually sounds reasonable..
Why not give me the option to remove unnecessary languages like if I talk in english why do I have to install french and russian or even italian language?
@experTiger The Frensh have a beautiful language. I personally enjoy playing games in Frenshish.
So will this be on top of warzone? I hope not because that would be ridiculous
@StylesT I think it is separate from Warzone. That is crazy.
Why would the Xbox series s and series x be the same size? We don't all need the 4k texture packs and what not either.
That usable space on the Series S isn't going to stretch very far. COD + FIFA/Madden and you won't have much space for anything else. Maybe 2-3 more AAA titles.
Once they do the 100+ updates it will be well over 200gb
First, why is it so much bigger than last gen? Second why would the S be the same as the X? Surely the S should be less than the Xbox One as it wouldn't need high res textures and duplicate files on the SSD
So what your telling me, essentially, is that storage is getting smaller and games are getting larger? Alright, good to know.
@carlos82 My guess is they throw the same texture quality as the Series X on the Series S. PC ultra textures are bigger, and removing duplication only saves so much.
Don't tell me I was the only one who saw this coming?
The best way to reduce it's file size is not to play COD lol
Called it, expect this to continue to be an issue this gen.
@PeterPanana Just because the game is running at 1080p doesn't mean you don't need the 4K textures.
Final resolution and textures are not directly related.
@InterceptorAlpha I thought I recall Phil Spencer suggesting that games for the Series S could be smaller with not needing the higher resolution texture packs. If both systems are downloading at the same file size, them I'm guessing all they chose to do was downscale the larger texture packs instead of including lower resolution ones. If that is the case, then hopefully next year they are more kind to us and save us some space.
@Meehanuk I don't know if they'll let you download the Xbone version if a Series S version is available, I would not be surprised to see if you can only get the bigger Series S install.
@PeterPanana You're not wrong. That is what was said. However, using lower resolution textures will be more limited by the RAM the Series S has. If the textures are too large for the RAM to hold then it will be scaled.
To see what I'm talking about, you can take a game like Skyrim. Run it at 1920x1080 with 2K textures. Now use the 4K versions of the same texture and there is a night an day difference.
The thing to remember is that 4K texture is not 4K resolution as seen with screens.
For textures:
1K = 1024x1024
2K = 2048x2048
4K = 4196x4196
8K = 8192x8192
What needs to be understood is that a texture is a 2D image that is being wrapped around a 3D object. As such, depending on the size of the object, the texture resolution will be changed as well.
Worth mentioning as well is that in a single game, not every texture is the same size. The dev might use a 512x512 texture for a small object like an apple, while using a 4196x4196 texture on a mountain in the distance.
That same mountain though may load in multiple 4196x4196 or even multiple 8192x8192 textures as you get closer so it doesn't look blurry.
The majority of space savings from this gen will be due to developers not having to have the same assets saved in a game multiple times to make up for the slow read speeds of a HDD. But you won't really see these saving until games stop releasing on last gen.
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