Xbox Series S Will Be Outdated In A Few Years, Suggests PlayStation Boss
Image: PlayStation Europe

PlayStation boss Jim Ryan has been conducting various interviews since the PS5 Showcase event earlier this week, including with Japanese site AV Watch in which he spoke about Microsoft's strategy with the Xbox Series S.

As translated by Video Games Chronicle, Ryan explained that Sony actually considered doing the same thing with the PS5 - making a low priced, reduced spec console - but ultimately decided against it:

“The first thing I would like to say is that I respect every competitor’s decision and their philosophies. Clearly, price is a very important factor. We respect other companies’ competitive strategies. However, we are fully committed to and believe in our current strategy and the effect it will have."

“One thing that can be said is that if you look at the history of the game business, creating a special low priced, reduced spec console is something that has not had great results in the past. We’ve considered that option and seen other executives who have attempted this discover how problematic it is.”

“Based on our research, it’s clear that people who buy a game console want to continue using it for four, five, six or even seven years. They want to believe they have bought something that is future-proofed and not going to be outdated in two-to-three years.

“They want to have faith that if they end up buying a new TV that their current console will be able to support that new 4K TV they are considering on buying.”

In contrast, Microsoft recently highlighted that developers won't be limited by the Xbox Series S compared to the Xbox Series X, explaining that the core capabilities "are the same between the two consoles."

And in case you were in any doubt, Xbox exec Jason Ronald also confirmed to IGN that the team is planning to support the Xbox Series S throughout the entire next generation, seeing the Xbox Series consoles as "a single family of devices."

What do you make of Ryan's comments on Xbox Series S style consoles? Let us know down below.

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