Rumour: Could The Xbox Series 1TB Expansion Card Be Upwards Of $200?!

With the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X set to be equipped with 512GB and 1TB custom SSDs respectively, some fans will undoubtedly be looking to increase their storage capacities over time.

That's where the Seagate 1TB Storage Expansion Card comes in for Xbox Series X (Series S details still to be confirmed), providing all the speed and power of the internal SSD, with no compromise.

However, while there's still no official price for this drive as of yet, a seemingly legit GameStop database image has suggested the card could be as expensive as $219.99 when it releases this Holiday:

Before anyone gets too panicked about this, we have our doubts about the final price. There's every chance this is just a placeholder image (we've seen many of these for the Xbox Series X itself in recent months), and a price of $219.99 definitely sounds higher than expected to us, so let's hope it's not official!

Fortunately, there will be other ways around buying these cards if you need more next-gen storage. Microsoft has confirmed you can still store next-gen games on normal external hard-drives (you just can't play them from there), meaning it might just be a case of swapping games to and from the internal SSD when you need them.

What are your thoughts on this "leaked" Xbox Series X Seagate Expansion Card price? Let us know below.
