Update: The person who posted this picture to Reddit later provided more details on where it came from, saying it was snapped at a party in Washington, hosted by the child of a Microsoft employee.
A little while later, they deleted the image and their Reddit account entirely.
Furthermore, The Verge is reporting that the person told them the associated console was also white and “looked more squarish and the Xbox button looked bigger on it.” Make of this what you will, folks...
Original story: Here's a very interesting discovery! This picture of a white Xbox Series X controller has suddenly appeared online via the Xbox Reddit page, although there are doubts as to whether it's the real deal.
All we have to go on is this image so far, as no further evidence has been provided at the time of writing. The full photo shows the controller underneath what appears to be a pizza box of all things!
If it is real, some fans are speculating that this might be the controller for the yet-to-be-announced Xbox Lockhart / Xbox Series S. For now though, we suggest taking this image with a sizeable pinch of salt!
Do you think the controller is legit? What are your thoughts on the design? Let us know in the comments.
[source reddit.com, via theverge.com]
Comments 24
We won't know until there's some sort of official announcement or unveiling. A Series S makes a LOT of sense, though. I'm still hoping it's a real thing, and that it has a disc drive.
@Ralizah if microsoft wants a cheap console for 249 or 299 dollars they will probably go discless and gain profit from store sales I just hope it's not called series s cause the one s is still being produced and this will make a lot of confusion that's why they stoped one x production and the discless one s I hope it's called series V or something to make it easier to know from apart
A white Series S would make a lot of sense, obviously.
@KelticDevil series S would be a terrible name while the one s is still being sold the parent will get confused and they will end up buying the 2016 one I hope it's called something rather than s maybe series V
I don’t believe it’s true. I mean a slim model of a product that hasn’t been released yet? It’s probably like what they did with the Xbox One on release where everyone who worked on it got a white controller
Series S confirmed.
I don't know, that d-pad looks wrong.
Looks good but i prefer the black controller.
@Medic_Alert I agree but imagine a kid telling his parents or grandma to buy him a series s and the then they kinda forget the name and they see the one s box and say ohh jimmy wanted one s one of the reasons wii U failed is the naming average people didn't know if it was a new gen or just new version of wii
@Justifier the pad looks nothing like the 360 pad at least design wise this pad is a mix between the the pad for the one and the disc shaped pad from the elite controle and that pad is performe really god
What the heck is a "whine controller"? I know of certain users over on NLife that could definitely use the one that I'm imagining, though...
All kidding aside, all I see is one added button (video capture?) in the middle, and a different D-pad, so it's basically a deluxe version of the Xbox One controller, from the looks of it.
Not that this is a bad thing, mind you.
@Justifier Agreed, the D-pad just looks off compared to the official pictures of the XSX pad, plus the texture looks different.
Plus the Menu/Context buttons seems awfully pronounced compared to the official pictures.
@ThanosReXXX They say they've made a bunch of tiny edits to make it more suitable for more hand sizes and there's some oddly worded ("it sends the input before its needed") counter input delay feature.
But yeah, ultimately it seems to be "just a X1 pad" which probably explains why you can use X1 pads on the XSX and the XSX pad on the X1.
I'm certainly looking forward to not having to buy an extra pad at launch for once.
D pad looks fake. But I have no doubt the design lab will allow customised controller purchases soon after launch.
I mean, we do not need confirmation to know MS will be selling multiple colors of these things, likely even expand their build-your-own program.
I'm pretty sure that the One S will cease to be produced as soon as this Series S will be avalaible.
Now, Microsoft, prices ! And quick !
@Tharsman Nooo, don't be the average Nintendo Life user that starts every comment, "I mean".
It could also be the development version of the controller or the ones they send home with key MS staff to test
Just updated this!
"The person who posted this picture to Reddit later provided more details on where it came from, saying it was snapped at a party in Washington, hosted by the child of a Microsoft employee.
A little while later, they deleted the image and their Reddit account entirely."
If it's not the Series S (Lockhart), I don't know what else it is besides a Series X All Digital or a White Series X, but with it being square-ish, yeah it's definitely the XSeS and not a white XSeX.
@experTiger This is the same company that named their 3rd console Xbox One, I don't know what else you'd expect.
"What the heck is a "whine controller"? I know of certain users over on NLife that could definitely use the one that I'm imagining, though..."
I hate how much I agree with you, and this is coming from a NLife user.
@HotGoomba Well, I'm a regular there myself, so no worries.
@ThanosReXXX Does it have a Direct button?
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