White Xbox Series X Controller Appears Online, Is It The Real Deal?
Image: Wolfy_Wizzardo on Reddit

Update: The person who posted this picture to Reddit later provided more details on where it came from, saying it was snapped at a party in Washington, hosted by the child of a Microsoft employee.

A little while later, they deleted the image and their Reddit account entirely.

Furthermore, The Verge is reporting that the person told them the associated console was also white and “looked more squarish and the Xbox button looked bigger on it.” Make of this what you will, folks...

Original story: Here's a very interesting discovery! This picture of a white Xbox Series X controller has suddenly appeared online via the Xbox Reddit page, although there are doubts as to whether it's the real deal.

All we have to go on is this image so far, as no further evidence has been provided at the time of writing. The full photo shows the controller underneath what appears to be a pizza box of all things!

If it is real, some fans are speculating that this might be the controller for the yet-to-be-announced Xbox Lockhart / Xbox Series S. For now though, we suggest taking this image with a sizeable pinch of salt!

Do you think the controller is legit? What are your thoughts on the design? Let us know in the comments.

[source reddit.com, via theverge.com]