Following yesterday's reveal of EA Sports UFC 4, which is coming to Xbox One in August, EA has confirmed a separate version of the game isn't currently in the works for Xbox Series X as well.
As reported by GamesRadar, producer Nate McDonald explained that the UFC team is excited about next-gen technology and its potential, but is focusing its efforts on the Xbox One and PS4 versions:
“Our current goal as a team is to provide the best fighting game experience available to our players at launch in August on PS4 and Xbox One. We are exploring opportunities [for next-gen], but there is nothing to share right now."
Creative director Brian Hayes also chimed in by suggesting backwards compatibility will likely mean EA Sports UFC 4 is playable on Xbox Series X (and PS5) anyway, but the UFC team hasn't had a chance to test it out yet and determine whether any additional development work is required.
Despite all of this, fans have intriguingly discovered that the game has been rated for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 via the ESRB. It remains to be seen whether anything will come of this (it might just relate to backwards compatibility), but nevertheless the EA UFC team remains committed to focusing on current-gen for now.
How do you feel about this? Do you think UFC 4 will eventually come to Xbox Series X? Let us know below.
Comments 2
I really wish this was getting a proper release on next gen. It's already a good looking game, the graphical fidelity on next gen would make it look amazing I'm sure. Hopefully in a year or so they'll release a next gen version or hopefully they start working on a new Fight Night for next gen after this releases.
Forever impatiently waiting for a new fight night game!
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