Later this year, Xbox 360 backwards compatibility is coming to Xbox One. The announcement of this much requested feature came from the mouth of Xbox boss, Phil Spencer, during Microsoft's 2015 E3 press briefing, and it's been getting steady attention since then. For the most part, it appears that Xbox One owners have responded favourably to the news, but that's not to say that everyone feels the same way. So for the second instalment of pX Asks, we've asked the Pure Xbox staff and a few of our readers: What does Xbox 360 backwards compatibility on Xbox One mean to you? As expected, the replies have been largely positive, even if a few gripes have been addressed. But instead of spoiling the worthwhile bit of reading to follow, how about we get this show on the road?
Here's how we feel about Xbox 360 games being playable on Xbox One:
Ken Barnes (@SuperKMx)
To me personally, backwards compatibility means convenience. I've still got an Xbox 360 sat next to my Xbox One since we occasionally get 360 review copies in to cover, so that won't change anytime soon. But being able to quickly fire up one of my favourite Xbox 360 titles without having to change controller or unplug/replug HDMI cables is awesome. I'm just hoping that the entire first wave of titles isn't all from the Call of Duty series. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Double Dragon Neon, Vanquish, Enslaved, Rez HD, Metal Gear Rising, Bayonetta, Red Dead Redemption, Burnout Paradise and Binary Domain are all far more important to me than any shooter that Activision has ever released. I'm aso looking forward to how it'll all affect the Xbox Games Store. We'll likely see things such as mixed-format complete digital bundles of the likes of Assassin's Creed sooner rather than later, and it'll be interesting to see what sort of prices the publishers think those packages should command.
Dave Letcavage (@DRL)
My Xbox 360 has been hauled across the entire United States numerous times throughout the past seven years, so it's certainly seen better days. Because of how poorly it now runs, and because my controllers have issues of their own, I haven't had the console hooked up for quite a while. Given those circumstances, you can imagine the prospect of being able to play my Xbox 360 games on my Xbox One has me incredibly happy. I'm the kind of person that doesn't move from console generation to console generation forgetting what came before; I keep my old systems around and use them regularly. If Microsoft does everything in its power to ensure the list of compatible games keeps growing at a healthy rate, consider me a grateful customer. Well, as long as Trials Evolution, Double Dragon Neon, Hydro Thunder Hurricane, Sonic Racing Transformed, and Red Dead Redemption show up promptly. I'm losing my mind without easy access to those modern classics.
Anthony Bacchus (@Anthinator)
I have to admit, the loss of backwards compatibility with every new console generation is perfectly fine for me. I know it's a big deal for others, but the act of popping in old discs in new hardware just wasn't appealing to me. Plus, as someone who rarely trades or sells their consoles, I could just as easily play my old games whenever I wanted to. However, with Microsoft's backwards compatibility announcement at E3 this year, it would appear I've had a change of heart – at least on Xbox One. As someone who has gravitated to purchasing all of my games digitally, it's incredibly useful to know that my digital Xbox 360 games can run natively on my Xbox One without the need of putting in a disc. It's awesome that Microsoft isn't charging consumers again to play them on the Xbox One either, compared to what the other guys are doing. I love having the XBLA Banjo-Kazooie being a click away, or seeing the Mass Effect tile being an option for when I'm ready to replay the series. It does, in most ways, provide a reason to get rid of the Xbox 360 console. I'm hoping that every Games With Gold Xbox 360 game will run on Xbox One, too. Now I know not every title will be backwards compatible, but it's encouraging to hear that Microsoft has given publishers an effortless way to make it work. So yeah, I'm excited this feature is back because I feel Microsoft has brought it back in the best way possible.
Andrew Stevens (@CaffeinatedGamr)
I'm very excited about the Xbox 360 backwards compatibility on Xbox One due to the possibility of playing many of my favorite Xbox Live Arcade Games. I also love that Xbox One features, like recording video and taking screenshots, are available so I can share all of my favorite moments in games like Rez HD, Bastion, Ikaruga, Bangai-O HD, Hydro Thunder Hurricane and many more! Of course, it isn't just about the arcade games, as I wouldn't mind playing some more Akai Katana, Over G Fighters, Project Sylpheed, Project Gotham Racing, Too Human, and Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 1 & 2 on the Xbox One as well. Ultimately, I like backwards compatibility so I can continue to return to past joys on a console with new features. However, I can't rule out that I won't pick up a 360 game I've never played before.
Adam Ducker (@flameboy84)
Since I'm a rare breed of person who made the switch from PS3 to Xbox One (which is a whole other story), I am extremely excited that this feature is coming. While I enjoyed the vast majority of AAA third-party titles on Sony's console, there are a wealth of first-party and third-party exclusives that I've literally never touched. Microsoft was knocking it out of the park when the 360 launched, securing exclusive console titles such as Geometry Wars, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead and many others, so I cannot wait for those games to get added as time goes on. I've also been banking those Xbox 360 Games with Gold so I have a library that is ever expanding with each passing month.
Josephine Johnson (@MegaKILLScreen)
I genuinely gasped with excitement when Microsoft announced backwards compatibility at their conference! I bought a 360 last year so I could play titles like Tropico 5 and XCOM: Enemy Within, which hadn't made it to the current-gen console. Having the ability to play those titles on my primary machine brings me great joy, as I am currently exiled to the living room to indulge in my strategy gaming needs. I also had a rather impressive collection of Arcade games, which I'm looking forward to rediscovering, and titles like Alien Hominid and Shadow Complex will be in heavy rotation once I actually get some time to enjoy them.
Paul Renshaw (@Red620Ti)
Backwards compatibility is a huge deal for me. There so many games that I missed last time around, like Mass Effect 2 and 3, as well as other games that I started but never finished, like Red Dead Redemption and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I just wish that Microsoft hadn't said, back in the day, that "There will never be backward compatibility with the 360", because then I wouldn't have gone and traded in my 150+ Xbox 360 discs. On the plus side though, seeing the girl's face at GAME when I said "Can I trade a few games in?" and putting them on the counter is a fond memory...
Readers Respond
For me, convenience. I can play all of my games from one machine. I can free up a space under my TV. All those Games with gold that I've got on memory sticks can now be on a nice shiny easy to use hard drive. The 360 can then either be sold or more likely, carefully boxed and consigned to the attic. – @sorethumbed
Personally it's of little to no importance to me. I still have my 360 set-up on my 2nd TV and I have rarely played on it since I upgraded but its there if I ever do. I kind of feel its more for those still with a 360 who are undecided as to which next gen console to buy. It makes the XB1 more appealing as you can play some of your old library whilst building up your new collection. I don't think I used the 360's backwards compatibility with the games from the original Xbox. It's a nice feature but I can't see myself using it much unless the GwG games are backwards compatible and therefore offer me a new and free experience on either console. – @BAMozzy
For me it means that I will actually have all three consoles this gen, a first for me. It means that I will be able to have access to a lot of my 360 library as well as a new library for the One. This announcement was huge and quite honestly, if Microsoft would have made this announcement 2 years ago at E3, I would have bought an Xbox One day one. I hope that it turns out well unlike the backwards compatibility for the Xbox 360 for Xbox games but the fact that they are going a digital route instead gives me high hopes for it. I also really like the fact that I will be able to still play online with my 360 friends. Well played MS well played. – @Tasuki
What does Xbox 360 backwards compatibility on Xbox One mean to you? Take to the comments and let us know! While you're at it, why not share the name of the Xbox 360 games you're hoping show up on Xbox One sooner than later. There's plenty of room for an extended conversation.
Want to get involved in future instalments of pX Asks and be featured in the "Readers Respond" section? Be sure to spend some time in the forums – that's where we present the upcoming topics and rules leading up to each forthcoming pX Asks article. Since we only select up to three reader responses, be sure to give it your best shot.
Comments 21
@flameboy84 What's your console switching story? I'd be interested to hear
For me, it means being able to play Skyrim and being able to talk to friends while I play. They steadfastly refuse to play 360 games for some reason, like playing older games is a crime or something. Not much else but Skyrim, everything else has been remastered already
@A_BabyRed_Yoshi Ok here goes. I’ve always been relatively platform agnostic. I went from BBC Micro - Amiga – Megadrive - N64 - Gamecube/OG Xbox – PS3/Wii with a few others in-between. So I rarely have that sense of loyalty when it comes to the companies, I do slightly more so with games with Zelda being my one must buy so to speak. Much like you keep hearing people saying another Gears, another Halo urgh I’m so sick of those games, I feel the same about Uncharted and God of War etc….
So when the next generation of consoles came round I looked at what each company was offering, always online with Xbox One really didn’t bother me (as it turns out both consoles being offline can cause all manner of issues either way), I liked the TV features as aging cable infrastructure (her in Canada at least) has long since meant that menus are just not fit for purpose (some of them are outright terrible) so that appealed and then looking at Xbox One’s initial line up I was much more interested in what was being offered at launch and beyond (the likes of Dead Rising 3 and Sunset Overdrive being two such examples)
The real kicker was Sony’s insistence on not allowing you to change certain features of your account, I don’t care about my PSN ID but region was a real kicker. Three years ago I moved from England to Canada. With PS3 I kind of muddled through I could still buy games via my new Canadian account and play them on my existing account. PS Plus became a nightmare I either had to pay over the odds due to conversion rate to maintain my Plus status on a UK account or play those games on a separate account. There all kinds of other weird problems…Need for Speed Most Wanted for example refused to play nicely with autolog because my console was using a Canadian copy from a Canadian location with a UK account and then even when I tried to use my Canadian account it still refused to play nicely as my console/origin account and all this other crap was already tied to my UK account after much mucking about with EA online chat I gave up! The idea of having a Vita for remote play appealed to me until I realised if I carried on using my UK account I would again be locking myself out of certain features as Vita doesn’t readily support multiple accounts. I understand you can share Plus on a PS4 but for example you have no idea how annoying it is hitting a download DLC or shop button in game only to realize you can’t buy it that and instead have to log into a different account and go through all these hoops. It’s just not for me.
I’ve never been a trophy/achievement collector but I do like that they serve as a good marker of your gaming career so to speak. It’s the same reason I now have a backloggery account I like to know that history and when I played what etc…
I could have got on with it and bought a PS4 and left that all behind but much like people still won’t let go that initial Xbox One unveiling despite the consoles turnaround since Phil Spencer took over I won’t get over the fact that Sony won’t let simply change the region of my account.
What does backward compatability mean to me?
It means I am glad I am not being charged ridiculous prices to RENT (not buy) 360 games I already own just to play them on a newer console.
Microsoft going after Sony in this way was a genius move. Sony spent millions & millions just buying the technology to stream games. And with the PS3's complicated innards, Sony can't offer backwards compatability for free, even it wanted to. This makes Sony's PS Now prices even more ridiculous than they already were. And Sony can do nothing about it. Even a Sony fanboy (they are the worst & most delusional) can't argue against those points.
Why is that a big deal to me? Because it shows that the Xbox is in great hands with Phil Spencer & his crew now running the show. Instead of idiotic decisions about various policies or endless crappy Kinect dance games, this shows me that the future is bright for Xbox.
Wow, that is a huge and easily fixable disadvantage...I understand your irritation
You have a very good point, backcompat reminds us that those older games are not gone, and neither are the memories. Lots of people wonder why I play video games, and I do it for making those kinds of memories like the one you described
Older games are definitely not gone. I am replaying (or playing for the first time) through the 360's 10 yrs. worth of games & it's simply amazing to re-live COD 2, Condemned, Oblivion, BioShock, etc., etc.
It's great to see that Microsoft seems to understand that & isn't going to charge me ridiculous prices to do so. I am a happy gamer these days. Glad to see I am not the only one.
I am very much a happy gamer. I just preordered a $160 controller if that tells you anything
The Xbox One has come such a long way, it started out a mess when it launched but it now such a great console with a fantastic team leading it, I can't wait to see where Xbox is heading.
I completely agree.
@Utena-mobile the game discs themselves are region free which is completely fine for single player experiences. Online and DLC isn't all the time though and even using a UK PS3 in Canada just refuses to work for some games.
I also switched from the PS3 to the Xbox One, so backwards compatibility means I can play a lot of games that I couldn't before.
I mostly want to get Tales of Vesperia, as its the only Tales of that I'm interested (as a lot of its characters were in Project X Zone), but I can also try out some other stuff too.
It means that I made the right decision buying digital games so my libary is instantly quadrupled
@Utena-mobile yep the global world isn't real! When I joined this community I knew it would slowly become apparent that I didn't play 360 games so I'm glad I've come clean and people are welcoming me into the Xbox fold.
@Jairo_MC I'd be interested to hear why you made the switch? As I said us PS3>Xbox One gamers are a rare breed!
@flameboy84: I'm another recent PS3 to Xbox One switcher. First off, I got so much more value with the Xbox. For $399 I got a 1 TB console, MCC, AC: Unity, Witcher 3, and a $50.00 gift card (which I have turned into K.I. Complete so far) or I could of got a 500 GB PS4 with Batman. Plus I like the upcoming feature where I can remote play on Windows 10 devices which will help when the wife wants the T.V. It just seems like Xbox One is headed in a great direction with Phil Spencer leading the way.
First of all, I think I need to clarify that I was mostly a Nintendo guy. I had a Super NES, a N64 for the longest time. Then, I got a PSOne, REALLY late in its cycle (I think the PS2 was already out), which a later traded for the PS2 (thank you backwards compatibility for that!).
The PS3 and the Wii I got when I was almost graduating from college and they were both very different and had such a good library of games that I was really entertainned. I also got a lot of portables, such as the GBA, the PSP, the DS, the 3DS and Vita.
I got the Wii U when Zelda: Wind Waker HD came out. So after all that, I decided to wait a bit to see which company would offer better games as I knew that the Wii U couldn't provide all the other games I wanted due to the lack of 3rd party support.
The PS4 seemed to be the obvious answer at first, as it seemed that Sony really wanted to please its fans and I had already owned the PSOne, PS2, PS3, PSP and VIta, so I knew they wouldn't screw up. Also, the initial reaction after the Xbox One was unveilled was pretty bad, so it seemed that it was dead certain to get the PS$.
However, as time went on, I was REALLY bothered that most 1st party games from Sony were remasters (The Last of Us is considered the best PS4 "exclusive" to this day, losing only to GTA V on metacritic) or sequels. The library wasn't appealling to me and I started to realize that Sony was getting all the sales mostly due to hype than to delivering the goods. I was also really annoyed by the lack of support of Vita, a device that Sony killed 2 years after launch...
On top of that, PS Now was an outrageous idea and I couldn't believe that even PSOne or PS2 classics wouldn't be playable on PS4, making me need a PS3 or Vita to play them. The only game that would make me get the PS4 in a heartbeat (Persona 5), was also coming to PS3, so I didn't need to make the switch as I'm not bothered about playing a game on old hardware.
Because of that, I started to play attention at what MS was doing with the Xbox One and I started to get really impressed. After a bad E3, they made the next all about its games, and I was really interested in them. I never played Halo, so the Master Chief Collection got me intrigued and was a really good value for my money. But the game that made me think I NEEDED a Xbox One was Sunset Overdrive, as everything about it screamed fun. Also, knowing that Platinum was making an exclusive in Scalebound got me really interested as I loved all of their games (Bayonetta 2 is probably my favourite action game of all time). On top of that, MS seemed to listen to its fans complaints and worries and responded to them (such as the removal of DRM and the need of always online, although, as you pointed out, it can't do much offline...) as opposed to Sony, who, IMHO, seemed to just keep generating hype...
What made me jump the gun was something a lot more practical, though: last year's Black Friday had a really good deal on the Xbox One (which is already a lot cheaper on my country - Brazil - than the PS4). I got one that came bundled with Assassin's Creed: Unity and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare for a really good price and a lot of the multiplatforms games were cheaper on Xbox One than on PS4.
So, to sum up, it really was a combination of various factor: need of a multiplatform machine with good 3rd party support, good games already out (instead of promisses) and a much more friendlier price.
After i got it, I didn't regret it at all. I like the controller a lot more than the Dual Shock 3 (which I now have a hard time adjusting to), the online store is better and more user friendly and the games are pretty good and usually cheaper around here. Also, I get to experience a good library of games right now and the backwards compatibility was just the cherry on top to make me really happy about it because I can play all the games I missed.
What you just said is the reason I am back to Xbox after having a PS3 for many yrs.
I grew up on Atari, Nintendo, & Sega. I have owned every major console ever released from Sony, Nintendo, Sega, & Microsoft. Being a "mercenary gamer" (as I jokingly call it), I have no real alligance to any one company. I buy the console I feel is best.
But I was a big original Xbox guy. Then I transitioned into the 360 many yrs. ago. I had the RROD twice, but loved my 360. Then Microsoft saw how many Nintendo Wii's were selling & made the horrible mistake of switching focus to the more casual gamer with Kinect, which irritated me greatly. Combine that with Sony's 1st party studios dropping hit after hit on the PS3, & it made it a no brainer.......I jumped to PS3.
After loving my PS3 for several yrs., my decision felt even better when Microsoft announced their idiotic, ridiculous policies before the Xbox One launch. Sony just sat back, let Microsoft commit suicide & then reap the rewards. Eventually, Microsoft saw the error of their ways (after massive fan backlash), cleaned house, put Phil Spencer in charge & is now back on track.
Sony, meanwhile, has the hot selling PS4. But why is it hot selling? Almost all of their exclusives have either been underwhelming, remasters, broken upon launch, or just plain crap. Sony has done NOTHING this generation to impress me one bit.
They completely abandoned the Vita (like you said), which really pissed me off since I loved that little machine. It's an absolute disgrace how Sony had handled the Vita. And they are open about it, calling it a "legacy platform" already. Wow. Think about that arrogance it takes to do that.
Another company made that same mistake once & now they are selling sh!#%y Sonic games & publishing Aliens: Colonial Marines......Sega.
PS Now is an absolute joke. PSN is always having problems. They release PS TV and then also abandon that before it even had a chance, never even giving it Netflix support. They have zippo in the way of any big exclusives coming the rest of this year.
And their E3 which a certain "sister site", which will remain nameless, called the "greatest E3 press conference ever" was the biggest joke of all. They tout exclusive, timed DLC which Sony fans used to rip Xbox for. And they announce 3 exclusives to get fanboys all riled up, but used it to try to hide the fact they got nothing coming till 2016, at the earliest. And that's even if you are intetested in 2 niche Japanese titles (one that's been in development like 10 yrs. & the other died because of lack of sales with the previous titles in the series) & FFVII. And people ate it up. Like you said.......Hype. That's all Sony is selling these days.
All of that led me back to Xbox, where I feel Phil Spencer has got this train back on the tracks & I am excited about the future of Xbox One. I am attempting to replay (or play for the first time) 10 yrs. of 360 games I am interested in, on a new profile starting from the launch games & moving forward. It should be a fun ride & backwards compatibility on Xbox One will make that easier. And like you mentioned, the games are much cheaper! Lol. The rest of 2015 looks amazing & I am eagerly awaiting the GDC to see more Xbox One exclusives.
It means that Xbox should not stop making Japanese games. We need more Japanese type of games on xbox one, and the backward compatibility is not going to resolve this.
The Xbox One (and PS4, for that matter) needs more great games, regardless of what region they come from. This new generation has been lacking compared to previous generations, in my opinion, so far.
But more to your point......there was a time I would've agreed with you last generation. But Microsoft has made many attempts to bring more Japanese titles to Xbox consoles. A lot of them just don't sell well.
The Japenese gaming pipeline was very disppointing last-gen. The quality of games from overseas has dropped, in my opinion, compared to western games. Hopefully that will change in this new generation because the gaming world is a better place when Japan is contributing quality games to the world.
@KelticDevil I went to Japan recently and the popularity of Xbox One is just abysmal. Wii U and 3DS are the largest sales there, followed by PS3 and Vita. No one cares about the Xbox One console there. Shops may sell only 2 or 3 xbox one games in stores, if they do sell xbox one games. This starks in contrast with the popularity of the console in the West.
Xbox may have tried to port more Japanese games but the number is clearly not enough in Xbox One as compared to Wii U and PS4. Someone tried to ask if there are xbox one games suitable for kids and she was replied with only two games. You mentioned that the quality of Jap games has dropped. I am unsure if I agree but there are some gamers who still like Jap games. To me, American games do not really matter as I do not play them often. (I am an Asian.)
Okay, I don't have an X-box One, but I'm planning on getting one this holiday season...just wondering on a few things about the console. I know finally know that's it's menus are like the PS3's, so I was wondering on if you can download any of the TV Episodes or Movies that were bought on the 360, onto the X-ONE, and keep them on it...also, do you always have to be connected to the internet to watch your downloads or play your downloaded games??? This last part to the question is the most important, as I live in the middle of nowhere, and my internet is fine some days, but horrible some other days, and I hate it when my PS4 doesn't connect and I can't play any downloaded games, but I can on the PS3 (which is nice) and I can on the Wii U (which is also nice). Can anyone give me some really good information about what the X-box One can do in these kind of means?
@JLPick Hey there...I'll do my best to help
Can you download TV episodes/movies bought on Xbox 360, on Xbox One? Yes. If you bought them via Xbox Video, then your library will be available on your Xbox One.
Do you need to be connected to the internet to play your downloaded games/watch your downloads? Nope. As long as you're playing the games on your "Home" console (which is what Microsoft calls your main console) then you can play without a connection. Not sure about downloaded movies, but I assume it's the same thing.
Hope this helps!
Great move Microsoft, I own red dead dead red, COD4, COD MW2, Borderlands, LA Moire, Fight night 4 & 5, Fable III, etc.. Peggle
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