Gears of War 2- A punch in the Stomach - Xbox Series X
Right so I recently had had the chance and opportunity to play and well beat Gears of War 2.
Now what did I think about the game?
It is so impressive how the sounds effects in my opinion makes Gears of War 2 stand out in a such cool way.
In some ways I think that the sounds effects are one of the best things about the game. And one thing that makes Gears stand out in a good way like lift game to a new level.
It like feels in some way that Gears 2 is also like one of the better sounding games ever and that is not to say little.
Beside the sound effects I think Gaers 2 plays very well to. Precise things.
As far for the game itself it feels like a neck to nack rollecoster from start to finish in some ways basically.
Not sure how the guys at Epic managed to create such an intensive thing over 10 years ago. It’s like wizzedery.
I could say more but I don’t to spoil to much of the experience.
@oliverp The little things are what makes the Gears of War games so special, sound effects like you said, horror elements and dialogue in the old titles as well. I didn't dislike 4 as many people, but I really disliked 5 and I'm glad that the next one goes back to what most fans like. Kait is probably my most disliked video game character.
Right so I managed to finally beat Gears of War 3 (on hardcore mode) after some time trying. About one month ago.
Now to be honest I like the first two games more but it feels somewhat cool to have beaten this game to as I now have beaten all three games in the original trilogy now which feels like a milestone in some sense.
What strikes me most about Gears 3 is how the game kind of bland shooting and action with another genre in an interesting way which is something which makes the game worth experiencing imo. Which is also an important reason why I like the game or maybe it interesting, but not better then the previous two entries in the series. Would not recommend playing this game before you have played the other ones because I feel like you would be missing out much of the Gears experience. So take your time with Gears you would likely not regret it any time soon.
@oliverp My first Xbox was Xbox One, I played all the games on Game Pass, unfortunately, before the 60fps patch! No big deal, the frame rate was 30fps, but very smooth and controls responsive, I imagine that way better than on the original hardware.
Congratulations on beating the game in hard mode! I completely agree with you about the trilogy and would recommend playing all the games in release order, except 5 that can be skipped LOL.
Topic: State of Gears of Wars - What do you guys want to see from the franchise
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