
Topic: Pure Xbox Community Game Club | Now Playing: Ninja Gaiden II Black

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I have been on leave last week so no gaming in a bit. I will try ninja gaiden but not sure I will stick with it as it is most likely not my style. Let's see



@Balta666 it's mostly fast paced hack n slash action. Some gory finishing moves on enemies, and some bosses are more monster form than human form, but it's pretty fun. If you like Bayonetta, or games like Bayonetta, I think you'll enjoy this. I kept reading its a souls like game due to the difficulty, and while it is in fact hard at times, I'm progressing nicely as someone who's terrible at souls games. And it breaks up into 30-45 min chapters so you can always take a break.



@NintendoByNature that is the problem haha. Bayonetta is for me one of the worst things I have played in my life πŸ˜…



@Balta666 uh oh. Yea, you may not like it, but still worth a shot. Who knows, you may be impressed.



Good day gang! I hope you are all doing swell. Let’s get started shall we? The community has spoken and your game for teeny tiny month of February is Ninja Gaiden II Black

Suitably shadow dropped into Game Pass last month this one looks like it’s going to push those wits and digits to the limit. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for being here πŸ‘

A few details courtesy of How Long to Beat are below:

Main Story: 10 hrs
Main + Sides: 11 hrs
Completionist: 12 hrs


Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed to the tag list, and also if you need me to update your handle.

@ZeD @Dydreamr @crippyd @Balta666 @NintendoByNature @Ricky-Spanish @Pastellioli @themightyant @HelloCraigo @Challenger-UK @Chaotic_Neutral @BeyondKnight

One love ❀️

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Good stuff, I'm on chapter 5 I believe πŸ₯·



Saw on PureXbox there will be an update to the game soon

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight
PSN: BeyondKnight_


I have played 20 min or so last night and I have mixed feelings. I like the sword gameplay but the enemies are hiper aggressive (I almost died in the first fight...) and for the most part I have no clue what I should do to avoid it lol.
On the other hand I got to a bit of a rhythm and health so far has been plenty (still on level 1 though)



It may be a dumb question, but is this a game series where being hard is it's main feature?
I am sure I have read that this series is brutal

Currently playing:
Black Ops 6 πŸ”« | Series X

| PS5

Xbox Gamertag: KratosRises3468


To my surprise I am getting into the groove and i am at the end of chapter 4 now. I definitely don't do a lot of combos and just stick with the basics (block a lot, spam light attacks until limb comes off and then heavy for easy kill with invincibility frames, special attack when overwhelmed) and only died twice if I remember correctly. On normal difficulty is also pretty generous with health pick ups. I may finish it before Avowed...

[Edited by Balta666]



Yea its pretty easy to get into the groove. Loving it so far. I was a bit taken aback by the 180 flip they do in the game. One chapter you're fighting ninjas, the next you're fighting flying creatures. I'm now onto lycans, which terrify me lol. They aren't actually scary, just scary when they jump out of an alleyway and gang up on you. I turned it off last night with a chapter title that read lycanthropes castle. This should be pretty intense πŸ˜„



@Pacesalad I think it is great that you have taken up this inivative Ninja Gaiden seems as a great way to start the club with. Will see if I have time to play it once more

[Edited by oliverp]



@NintendoByNature I am also starting that chapter now! Have to say that although they are "big and scary" I find them fairly easy do deal with as they are way less aggressive than the ninjas in the first few levels and maybe because I leveled up my sword to max early on they go down fast anyways.



@oliverp No problem, would you like to be included on the tag list?

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@FraserG Hi mate, would you be interested in continuing to promote our little club? Your support historically has been of the highest order and would love to see it continue. No problems if not, keep up the amazing work πŸ‘

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


I am currently playing II Black, and enjoying it, Im currently chapter 7, as mentioned, I wouldn't of really committed time to it, if not for this Monthly voting forum post.



@PeaceSalad Hey there friend. Would like to be added, if you please.
Have already finished twice, on normal and hard difficulties.
And I still want to play more of it.

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, donΒ΄t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



@Balta666 I need to level up one weapon and stop changing up my play type. I've leveled up a few to level 2 so far



@NintendoByNature yeah,I read some tips before starting and that was one of the key ones. Also I played a bit with a few but found that the sword works well to chop off limbs quickly anyways


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