



  • Rumour Could Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic be Getting Remastered?

    You never know...

    Speculation has been circling that BioWare's critically acclaimed RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic will be remastered for Xbox One in 2016. Neither BioWare or LucasArts have confirmed a remake is in the works but a reporter from Cinelinx claims to have heard from several sources that Knights of the Old Republic will be...


  • News Star Wars 1313 'On Hold'

    "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

    The highly anticipated Star Wars 1313 may be ‘on hold’ according to sources close to the developer. Despite claims that Disney would not interfere with existing LucasArts projects following their 2012 acquisition of the Star Wars visionaries, that appears to be exactly what has happened in this situation...